Love is sweet, love makes you work on yourself, love tolerates, love sacrifices, love is patient and love is a beautiful thing. Everyone desires to be loved and anyone can be loved.
I was having a discussion with the love of my life and she asked me, “Honey what does love mean to you”? After pausing a while as I was not expecting such sensitive question, I responded “personally, I believe love is about giving your all to the one you love and giving your all requires making sacrifices in the relationship”, She just smiled on hearing my response.
It is funny but true when you hear some persons tell you what loves means to them. To some it is an emotion in their hormones that gives this good, happy feeling. Some rate love for their partners by the money and gifts they receive. Love goes beyond emotions and feelings, its far beyond the way people treat you good or show you care and attention.
If you ask my definition, I will tell you that love is that special feeling of deep kindness, empathy, affection, fondness, and friendliness that boosts you to go all out for the person sacrificially.
Love is about sacrifice. Even Jesus Christ referenced it in the bible, “greater love has no one than this than to lay down one’s life for his friends”.- John 15:13
The anatomy of love requires sacrifice. Sacrifice is only sacrifice when you choose to displease yourself to please your partner. The more you sacrifice in relationships the stronger the love and bond you share. Love builds a relationship but sacrificial love maintains it and if you want to test your level of sacrifice in a relationship then consider these factors- compromise, forgiveness, trust, discomfort,generosity and endurance. If you fail in any of these then your sacrifice score is 0%. Sacrifice in relationships is 100% practical. It requires you putting your loved ones first before you when faced with life’s challenges.
When you love someone or when you are loved in return it helps the stability and potent functioning of your mental health and general well being. The reverse is also the case, people who lack the love experience have their mental health negatively affected and therefore wallow into loneliness, depression and rejection. Valentine’s day is a day to love and be loved, a day to “Voluntarily Authentically Love (VAL) someone.
10 Ways to Show Love To That Special Somebody This Valentine
- Bonding
- Bonding is the process by which a couple, partner or lovers become emotionally attached to each other. It preserves the spark in a relationship and keeps it strong despite issues and misunderstandings. It can be achieved by going on a date together, home picnics, reminding each other on the love and feelings you both share and spending quality time with each other.
- 2. Visit to the orphanages with gifts, cash donations, e.t.c
Take time out to visit the orphanages and spend quality time with them bearing gift items to support them.
3. Explore a romantic dinner date
Dinner dates are just ways of you showing and reminding your soul mate how special they are to you. You could even plan a dinner date at a restaurant you first met or where he proposed to you. This refreshes old memories.
4.Showering of gifts
Gifting each other is a way to express your love for each other. The gifts don’t necessary have to be too expensive, it is the thoughts behind them that count.
5. Have a romantic movie date
This can be very sweet especially if both of you are movie lovers.
6. Surprise give away
It should interest you to know that doing surprise give away in cash and kind goes a long way to warm the heart of the receiver thereby making positive impact in his/her life. You could think about three or more of your friends whom you know are not financially buoyant at the moment and surprise them with cash gifts or gifts in kind.
7. A weekend getaway
Plan a weekend getaway together. There are companies that plan couples weekend hangout with a lot of side attractions. We also have hotels that run promos on their rooms supported with free break fast and other side attractions.
8. Feed the poor
Do you know you can spend your valentine by just cooking and feeding the poor or also buying food and drinks to refresh them, This is more than showing love but also blessings in disguise.
9. A Spar treat
Who wouldn’t love a one or two hours spar treatment coupled with a fantastic complimentary breakfast.
10. Have a photo shoot
Pictures keep our memories young and alive as we age gracefully. It brings this vibes of remembering the love and everything you share by just looking at them. Do each other a favour by doing valentines special photo shoot.
In this season of love, show love to someone, it may not be your lover or spouse but also your friends and family. Go out of your way to help someone today, show kindness, be generous and show care even when it isn’t convenient for you. . It may not be necessarily gifting or monetary value, those kind and encouraging words could go a long way, that support system could be what he or she needs. You could visit that orphanage home and give in cash or kind.
As you express your love out there, the Arogi Trauma Care Foundation team joins you our dear readers in showing our heart felt love by inviting you to call our toll free line if you are or you know anyone experiencing any emotional or psychophysical challenge. We are here for you always.
Frederick Abiola-Cudjoe
Frederick Abiola Cudjoe is a blogger, content creator who is in service to Arogi Trauma Care Foundation. He is solution driven and result oriented. He has a strong passion to always make clients have the best customer service experience.