In line with the NGO’s vision to sensitize the public as regards good mental health and emotional wellbeing, Arogi Trauma Care Foundation has begun an outreach program with the Nigeria Police. The program which is titled “Police Behavioural Health Program”, is aimed at helping the Nigeria Police to be conscious of their mental health and emotional wellbeing as they carry out their official duties. The program aims at reaching out to the Divisions in Area F Police Command in Lagos on a weekly basis to discuss sensitive mental health topics to enlighten the police officers on how their mental health plays a great role on their well-being and the society they protect.

Last week Thursday, 17th August 2023, the ATCF team was at the Makinde Police Divisional Headquarters at Makinde, Mafolouku area in Lagos. We were warmly received by the officer in charge.
The Arogi team, which was led by Mr Adeleke Taiwo, discussed the topic, “Behavioural Health: An Essential Element for Personal and Professional Wellbeing”. The speaker explained the meaning of behavioural health which he described as certain behaviours we exhibit every day that affects our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Narrowing the subject matter down to the Police Force he further explained two key areas an officer should be mindful about for a positive mental health stability which are; Stress and Anger Management.
Stress is a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. The officers were advised to adhere to some coping mechanisms when faced with stress on the job which includes; having a regular sleep time, regular meals, regular exercises and the practice of mindfulness and relaxation technique. Relaxation technique and mindfulness exercise were taught and practiced during the session.
Anger Management was also discussed, and the speaker discussed anger as an emotion that affects us as individuals daily while noting that proper anger management and adequate coping skills will help the officers on their jobs. Some of the tips shared include; remaining calm before speaking to aid better expression, taking time out of the situation and identifying positive solutions to resolve the issue.
The outreach was very interactive as the officers expressed their concerns, contributed and asked questions which were clearly answered by the Arogi Foundation team. Their reception during the programme was very encouraging and commendable.
The Administrative Officer expressed her gratitude for the impact made by the Arogi team during the programme and looked forward to more engagements.
Arogi Trauma Care Foundation, is truly a place of succour. An NGO established to help emotional and psychological challenges faced by individuals, thereby improving their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Frederick Abiola-Cudjoe
Frederick Abiola Cudjoe is a blogger, content creator who is in service to Arogi Trauma Care Foundation. He is solution driven and result oriented. He has a strong passion to always make clients have the best customer service experience.