The PTSD Saga
Have you ever been in a situation whereby you react when a car or vehicle is approaching or passes by?
You could be experiencing PTSD, maybe because of an accident you experienced.
What exactly is PTSD?
PTSD, short for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, leading to persistent symptoms affecting daily life.
When we say traumatic event, this means occurrences in the past that leaves a negative mental and psychological effect on the victim, thereby making he or she feeling frightened or reacts when remembered.
Therefore, PTSD is the effect or consequence of these past occurrences that are traumatic.
Some causes of PTSD include combat or war, physical or emotional abuse, natural disasters, sexual abuse, accidents, injuries, loss or grief, childhood trauma, etc.
PTSD occurs in various forms or types. One might be suffering from PTSD due to one or more traumatic events, for example an incident of being sexually abused in the time of war as well as losing friends and family, this type is called Complex PTSD. This could lead to the development of other mental disorders such as anxiety disorder, depression, suicidal thoughts, dissociative identity disorder (DID), etc.
One may be experiencing PTSD if these symptoms are shown
-Flashbacks: Reliving traumatic memories
-Nightmares: Disturbing dreams related to trauma
-Avoidance: Avoiding triggers or reminders
-Hyperarousal: Increased alertness or agitation
-Hypervigilance: Excessive watchfulness
-Intrusive thoughts: Unwanted memories or images
-Emotional numbing: Feeling disconnected from emotions
-Aggression and anxiety.
One with PTSD can be helped in the following ways;
-Being in continuous contact with and getting support from important persons in your life.
-Engaging activities that promote positive emotions.
-Take a start by identifying as a survivor rather that a victim.
-Finding positive meaning in the trauma.
-Encouraging self-care activities including proper eating and adequate sleep.
-Most Importantly, getting professional help.
Gender Identity Disorder
We must have heard questions like; ‘What do you identify as?’ or even while making applications, the options for gender are no longer the two we know, ‘Male and Female’.
The question remains, ‘Why?’
What could be the reason?
Some say, these days or times, gender isn’t longer about what you’re born as or what you were ‘assigned’ at birth but rather as how you feel or how you want to express yourself.
But this case now has been identified as a disorder, because why would you say you’re a boy when you’re a girl?.
As at 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced and regulated PTSD as no longer a disorder and changed the name to Gender Dysphoria, this was mainly to remove the stigma and promote equal health care because the victims were also humans, regardless. We’re encouraged not to discriminate and avoid the stigma while better understanding of the condition is still ongoing as most persons suffering from these experiences suffer pressing mental health issues such as suicide, stigma and isolation.
But is Gender Dysphoria normal and not a disorder?
This is an emerging issue/topic which is still undergoing study, understanding the altruisms of this case.
Gender Dysphoria is said to develop from childhood from ages 2-4 or at adolescence and even at adult stage. Some observed symptoms of gender dysphoria include;
-Feeling trapped in the wrong body
-Identifying with a different gender
-Showing normal exhibitions or attributes of the opposite gender such as in dressing and social roles etc.
Those experiencing this disorder are encouraged to;
-Seek professional help
-Undergo necessary therapy
-Getting adequate support and counseling.
Let us endeavor to be aware of PTSD, prevent it and take proper care of ourselves.
as written by Eugene Chiamaka Felicitas

Arogi Foundation
Arogi Trauma Care Foundation (ATCF) is like the silver lining in a dark cloud, making free counselling and therapy accessible to traumatised individuals, bringing healing to those who are hurting and helping people lift up burdens of pain, Read More>>