🏠 » Arogi Trauma Care Foundation….A place of succour

Arogi Trauma Care Foundation….A place of succour

Arogi Trauma Care Foundation popularly known as a place of succour had a successful and impactful mini outreach at the LUTH junction/ Mushin market and its environs on 6th April, 2023.


Arogi Team members and a keke napep driver

The Arogi team was represented by Dr Yekeen Omolola, Frederick and Seyifunmi a volunteer. The outreach which began at 11:45 lasted for 1 hour 30mins. We ensured we proclaimed the vision of the NGO, distributed our flyers, pasted our stickers on commercial buses and tricycles (Keke Napep) and gave out out call cards.

Arogi sticker placed by a commercial bus driver
Team Arogi with a Keke Napep driver
Arogi team member Frederick with a commercial bus driver

The commercial drivers were very supportive as they personally took some of our stickers and pasted on their buses and kekes. The outreach proved successful as a result of callers that called our toll free line to seek therapy.

Clinical Psychologist Mrs Yekeen Omolola addressing the public on mental health
Arogi team member Frederick addressing the audience
Arogi team Volunteer, Seyifunmi engaging a passer by.

We made an impact????

Arogi Foundation

Arogi Trauma Care Foundation (ATCF) is like the silver lining in a dark cloud, making free counselling and therapy accessible to traumatised individuals, bringing healing to those who are hurting and helping people lift up burdens of pain, Read More>>


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