Building Successful Relationships: The Vital Role of Trust & Freedom
Trust is a key seed of any successful relationships and engagement. It thrives in an atmosphere of freedom. When freedom eludes trust the atmosphere becomes toxic. A genuine trust will withstand the test of freedom.
Odusanya Adedeji (Clinical Psychologist)
This quote from Odusanya Adedeji emphasizes the vital role of trust in fostering successful relationships and engagement. It likens trust to a “key seed,” suggesting that it is the foundation upon which strong and meaningful connections are built. Trust forms the basis of openness, vulnerability, and mutual understanding between individuals.
It further highlights that trust thrives in an atmosphere of freedom. In this context, freedom refers to the ability to be oneself, express opinions, and act authentically within the relationship. When individuals feel free to be genuine and honest without fear of judgment or repercussions, trust grows, nurtured and strengthened.
Conversely, when freedom is lacking, and individuals feel constrained or restricted in expressing themselves, the atmosphere can become toxic. Hence, a lack of freedom may lead to feelings of suffocation, resentment, and mistrust, ultimately eroding the bond between individuals.
Genuine trust can withstand the test of freedom. A relationship built on true trust will not be shaken or damaged by individual autonomy or freedom. Instead, it will remain resilient, allowing individuals to grow independently while still maintaining a strong sense of trust and connection with each other.
This piece conveys the importance of trust as the cornerstone of successful relationships and engagement. It stresses the need for an atmosphere of freedom, where individuals can be true to themselves and each other. In doing so, the quote suggests that genuine trust can thrive and withstand the challenges of maintaining individuality within the context of a trusting relationship.

Adedeji Odusanya
Odusanya Adedeji A., is a Licensed & Certified Clinical Psychologist whose domain of expertise cuts across management of specific mental health issues such as, Depression, PTSD, Anxiety & Anxiety related disorders, Substance Use Disorder, etc