The 21 Rules of Happiness – Part 2
Happiness is a choice. People with a happy state of mind are less vulnerable to depression.
Rule # 8- Secure Your Friend Zone
Let your friendship circle be around happy people. People that radiate empathy, joy, happiness, love and kindness. Avoid toxic friends. Secure your friend zone -and be happy.
Rule # 9 – Be Grateful
The world is so fast-paced that we’re rarely grateful of its gifts. Think of all the things you’re grateful for right now: family, health, home, everything. Spend time being grateful each day – and be happy.
Rule # 10 – Follow Your Bliss
In life, we often find ourselves half-way up a ladder we don’t want to climb, rather than at the bottom of one we do. What do you really want to be? Follow your own bliss – and be happy.
Rule #11– Learn to Let Go
Emotions often hold us back from true happiness and freedom. Remember, you are not your emotions. Let go of unwanted emotions by asking yourself “Can I let this go?” Do it – and be happy.
Rule #12 – Do Random Acts of Kindness
Being kind is double-edged. It makes you feel happier, and spreads that joy to someone else too. Do more Random Acts of Kindness every day – smile, hold open a door, pay for a coffee – and be happy.
Rule #13– Be More Social
Extensive research shows that the happiest and most successful people are those with large social networks. How many friends do you have? Be proactive, start making more – and become happier.
Rule #14 – Love More!
The more you love, the happier you are. Try giving everyone and everything around you a little more love. Friends, family, nature, even strangers: open your heart, give them love – and be happy.
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Arogi Trauma Care Foundation (ATCF) is like the silver lining in a dark cloud, making free counselling and therapy accessible to traumatised individuals, bringing healing to those who are hurting and helping people lift up burdens of pain, Read More>>